Polycom 高清远真和视频会议每时每刻让您身临其境身临其境,无需舟车劳顿,即可进行实时面谈。
RealPresence Desktop
Polycom RealPresence 桌面解决方案为您的 PC、管理人员桌面、分支机构或视频自助服务机带来超凡的高清视频协作体验
RealPresence Immersive
跨越虚拟办公桌与远程与会者进行面对面交流。通过真人比例的高清视频与对方面对面,借助清晰的高清音频与之对话。仿佛你们同处一室,而不是相隔千里。这就是 Polycom 的融入式体验。
RealPresence Room
满足各种规模会议室和预算需求的视频会议选项。预先配套或专门设计的解决方案。最大程度提升您的体验并降低运营成本的 Polycom 尖端技术
RealPresence Mobile
You’re mobile. Sometimes you’re at the office. Or working from home. Wherever you are, you need to collaborate face to face with colleagues, meet with customers, communicate with partners, patients, students… Polycom RealPresence Mobile instantly transforms your tablet or smartphone into a mobile videoconferencing tool.
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